
Neocaridina Shrimps vs Caridina Shrimps

Lets start with the shrimp that I think is the hardiest  and easiest to keep in a aquarium. The Neocaridina (the working crew) these type of shrimp there parameters are.

PH 6.5 – 7.5

GH 6-8 dgh

KH 2-4 dkh

TDS 150-250 ppm

Shrimp tanks are really cool . I myself had plenty of small shrimp tanks and was highly successful . Right now I have a 20 gallon long with blue dream shrimp which are neocaridina. They’re super hardy and easy to maintain. This aquarium has lots of plants along with  cholla wood which is great for hiding place, and fluval substrate which is a great substrate for shrimps.

Some other types of neocaridina shrimps are CHERRY SHRIMP,  CRYSTAL SHRIMP,  ORANGE PUMPKIN SHRIMP,  RILI SHRIMPS,  SNOWBALL SHRIMPS,  JADE SHRIMP, and many more.  In Los Angeles I would suggest to start with neocaridina shrimp just because the parameter are very close to the tap water out here and this will save you a lot of headaches 😀


Now lets talk about caridina, also a cool shrimp.  PS: All shrimp are cool if, you don’t have shrimp then you just ain’t cool


GH 4-6

PH 6-7

KH 0-0.1

TDS 140-150

TEMP 68-74


Caridina require soft water, so most homes might need a RO system to get to those parameters. Which is the main difference between these two and I would say is what makes caridina shrimp a lil harder to keep. Outside of that, they’re pretty chill lil dudes.


Some people like keeping shrimp only tanks and some people like having shrimp and nano fish together. Either way, these tiny invertebrates make for great looking tankmates.  I suggest getting a freshwater shrimp if you want to be dope AF.

Here are some caridina shrimp to consider for your tank: DEEP BLUE BOLT, RED KING KONG PANDA SHRIMP, TANGERINE TIGER, YELLOW, KING KONG SHRIMP, CRYSTAL RED SHRIMP……….. #ShrimpLife


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