
The Blog

Evaluating the real maintenance and upkeep cost of an African Cichlid Aquarium

Evaluating the real maintenance and upkeep cost of an African Cichlid Aquarium

Right off the bat, I want to clear up some of the misnomers about freshwater African cichlids. For false reasons, its widely believed that all African cichlids vegetarians. Now it...
Picking out the right Aquarium System for you

Picking out the right Aquarium System for you

Here at Reef Playground, we get many calls requesting quotes for new aquariums. And what we seem to have noticed is that a lot of people haven't made up their...
Moving your established aquarium

Moving your established aquarium

Moving an aquarium, especially a well established reef or live plant system an be a daunting task.   There are a few major things we believe everyone should consider if...
Algae Control trick for Freshwater Aquariums

Algae Control trick for Freshwater Aquariums

So I thought I'd share a lil trick we here at Reef Playground Inc. use for some stubborn free-floating algae problems in freshwater aquariums.   Now there are a few...
Picking out a great Aquarium Service Company

Picking out a great Aquarium Service Company

For those looking at hiring a professional aquarium service company to care for their aquarium or pond, there are several key factors to consider: : Price : Availability : Infrastructure...
Deciding on a Protein Skimmer

Deciding on a Protein Skimmer

So whats the best protein skimmer out in the market? Whats the best money can buy?...Well, in all honesty, 90% of protein skimmers out there are almost exactly the same. ...