
Oddball Fish for Planted Aquariums


 First things first, whether some of my favorite oddball fish work well will depend on what size aquarium you have. For a mid size tank to a large size ,meaning 40-80 gallon. The fish I like the most is the peters elephant nose. To me, they look a little like dolphin and an elephant at the same time. It use’s his nose to get prey like worms and other small critters. The nose uses electrolocation to find prey and they also have the largest brain to body oxygen use ratio of all known vertebrates around, that’s dope.  I don’t know what the fuck that means, i’m just a hobbyist that enjoys fish that look weird as fuck. What I do know is that they like dark tanks or low light plant tanks. They’re mostly nocturnal and they love them some blood worms or other types of meaty foods like brine and mysis shrimp. Too bad they don’t eat FRIJOLES.  I have tons of those in my house. Yea but those elephant nose fish are super dope and pretty hardy.  And again, they like low light tanks, so something like an Anubias tank would be great with a few elephant noses. The lower lights will get them swimming around more in the open



Another oddball fish that I love is the Blind Cave Fish. I say a blind cave fish is an oddball fish because they don’t have eyes, they have sockets but no eyes , that’s odd . They are also known as Mexican tetras . They’re very active and hardy, they do well in schools and they’re cool looking and odd…





  • Loops