What type of lease is right for you?
Published Mar 30, 2018
So ya wanna get a lease system. But which one? Are you thinking a reef or a plant system? Which one would be better for you?
Let’s go over some things to consider when thinking about leasing one of our systems.
What’s the point of the tank? Like why do you want the thing? Is it intended to be calm and relaxing or are you looking for that “showpiece” factor? Who’s going to see it? Is it for say an office waiting room or lobby? Is the aquarium for you to enjoy or is it for your clients and customers? How much noise are you willing to deal with? What’s the ventilation like in the room where it’s going? All these things are important when deciding on the tank size and style
We break down our leases into two groups; our live reefs in 60,120, and 240g sizes and our live plant systems in 60,120, and 240g sizes.
Let’s take a look at the reefs. Like the live plant options, these systems are designed with simplicity and redundancy in mind. But being saltwater, there are some major differences.
The main one is the noise factor. A reef will create significantly larger amount of noise. Protein skimmers, chillers, multiple pumps, and just the noise from the water flowing between the main display and the filtration system all add up. This tends to be the deciding factor for a lot of people, especially for offices. If your lobby or waiting room is a quiet place and you’d like to keep it that way, than a reef is probably not the best thing for you.
However, our reef systems are a better choice if the main thing you’re looking for the “wow” factor to your tank. Reefs are packed full of all kinds of weird stuff; shrimps, starfish, urchins, crabs, snails, and all other sorts of strange and cool creepy crawlies. Reef tanks will also be a lot more colorful, comprising of every color of the rainbow. So if you wanna show off your tank, than reef is the right choice for you.
Besides being more colorful, the aquarium itself will be brighter than a freshwater system. The reef can significantly brighten up a room, and this should be considered when deciding on where to put it as the brightness can be a distraction for some people.
The electrical consumption of a reef will also be more than a freshwater systems. There’s simply more equipment, which leads to more evaporation and humidity around the aquarium as well.This brings ventilation into the conversation. Proper air flow and AC is critical to keeping a healthy reef. Especially here in Los Angeles. A reef cant go into a poorly ventilated space or anywhere where the temperature of the room can’t be controlled.
Now let’s look at live plant systems. We loooove freshwater plant tanks and here are some reasons why you should too:
Plant system are calming. They really do have that relaxing effect and thats what makes them great options for places like spas, doctors offices, or anywhere that needs a lil tranquility. We mimic natural river and lake environments which creates for a very peaceful, lush, and friendly aquarium which you can really feel that around the tank.
Our plant systems are also super quiet when compared to a reef system. A couple low flow pumps and a tiny bit of water flow is all you’ll hear. So it makes them perfect choice for places that you’d like to stay quiet.
In the end everything comes down to what will speak to you more. Do you want the colors and are willing to put up with more noise? Then a reef is probably the right option for ya. But if you’re looking for something that soothes and relaxes, then there’s nothing like a live plant system to make that happen.
Or just get one of each, yolo 😀
If you’re interested to find out more about our lease options or want to schedule a complimentary onsite visit then please reach out to us @ service@reefplayground.net or @ https://reefplayground.net/services/aquarium-leasing/
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